There is nothing that I love more than a well earned steak! After the week I've had I most definitely deserve this one. This roasted veg salad worked really well with the steak and makes this dinner recipe perfect for anyone who is watching their calorie intake. Even so this could also be accompanied with a side of sweet potato fries for those who are looking for something a little more filling. Tag me if you give this recipe a try #waitrosewednesday Ingredients
Love a quick and easy breakfast recipe that's bursting with flavour #waitrosewednesday delivers again!!!
In the spirit of Halloween I thought some themed healthy brownies were appropriate. These are great for entertaining if you have a Halloween themed party or just as a tasty treat. Total time: 45 minutes Ingredients: - BulkPowders cacao brownie mix - 2 eggs - 3 tbsp melted butter - 100ml milk - 2 packets of coconut fudge brownie Boost Ball bites - 2 tbsp chocolate chips - white icing sugar - piping icing to decorate - cocktail sticks Method:
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C or gas mark 4 and line a shallow baking tray with baking paper. 2. Combine the brownie mix with 2 eggs, the milk and the melted butter. mix until fully combined. 3. Chop up 1 packet of Boost ball fudge brownie bites into small chunks and stir into the brownie batter along with chocolate chips. 4. Pour mixture into baking tray and flatten with a spatula. Pop in the over for 15 minutes or until a fork comes out clean. 5. Use the remaining back of Boost balls to created eye balls on sticks. Mix together icing sugar and water to create a paste. Using a cocktail stick dip the Boost balls into the white icing to create the whites of the eye then use black writing icing to create the iris. 6. Take the brownie out of the oven and cut up into equal slices then leave to cool for 20 minutes 7. Add 2 eyeballs to each brownie by popping the cocktail sticks into each brownie and then draw on a mouth with red writing icing. 8. Your spooky brownies are now ready to serve! Ingredients: The pancake - 1 egg - 40g PHD Lemon Drizzle Protein - 60g greek yoghurt - 10g oat bran - baking powder - milk - blueberries Toppings - full or half fat cream cheese - Lemon drizzle PHD smart whey - my protein vanilla flavour drops Method
1. Whisk together all of the pancake ingredients together until the desired thickness is reached. If you want American style pancakes you want a thicker mixture compared with a thinner mixture for crepes. 2. heat pan with a nob of butter and when the bitter starts fizzling pour in you pancake mixture 3. When the pancake starts to bubble turn it over in the pan and cook for 1 more minute. 4. Mix cream cheese, flavour drops and protein together. 5. Stack pancakes with a layer of protein icing in between and enjoy! Ingredients The pancake - 1 egg - 40g vanilla protein powder - 60g greek yoghurt - 40g oat bran - baking powder - milk - cinnamon Toppings -full or half fat cream cheese - vanilla protein powder - my protein vanilla flavour drops - crumbled maple cinnamon boost balls Method 1. Whisk together all of the pancake ingredients together until the desired thickness is reached. If you want American style pancakes you want a thicker mixture compared with a thinner mixture for crepes. 2. heat pan with a nob of butter and when the bitter starts fizzling pour in you pancake mixture 3. When the pancake starts to bubble turn it over in the pan and cook for 1 more minute. 4. Mix cream cheese, flavour drops and protein together and throw in crumbled maple and cinnamon boost balls. 5. Stack pancakes with a layer of protein icing in between and enjoy! #nutritionwithJGB #tasty #pancakes
By far the best tasting chocolate orange healthy snack out there! It blows Nakd bars right out of the water! Perfect accompanied with a coffee or tea for an afternoon pick me up or a little lunch break treat at work.
I like practical and convenient snacks and perkier foods ace both of these! The bars are perfect to have in my car/ training bag so that I can snack on when I going between work and training. The new perkier bites are super yummy but exceeding crumbly making them not so good car food. Great to add to a homemade trail mix to liven it up a bit. Their porridge pots are perfect for busy mornings and post weight in refuels at my Olympic Lifting competitions. The only issue I find is that they have soy protein powder in, which can make the oats quite cloggy and I personally don't like the taste of soy protein powder from previous bad experiences. You don't even need to add hot water as it still mixes really well into a chilly oats bowl, and any addition of yogurt is a big bonus! Makes for a filling breakfast even on the busiest days.
I would give Perkier Foods a solid 8.5 / 10!
Great selection of healthy nutritious foods and exceeding convenient for busy people!
Having only previously heard of bounce balls I quite liked the concept of having smaller bite sized protein balls to munch on after a workout. They were a lot easier to eat as they were not coated in a variety of toppings that like to fall off during consumption, making them super ideal to eat on the go during a busy workday. One year on and I can honestly say they have become a diet staple for me. I generally like to have them as a post workout treat or with my lunch at work. Just the perfect amount of sweetness to curb any major cravings I usually have when watching my food intake for training optimisation. They also pair excellently with a cuppa or an afternoon coffee. Boost ball currently stock 4 different flavours:
Each have their own unique perks but my favourite by far is the Lemon Drizzle protein balls with maple cinnamon roll coming is a close second. The lemon drizzle balls are super decadent and exceedingly moorish. I have to make sure that I hide any other packets before opening one so that I am not tempted to go from bag to bag… Topped with coconut shreds and a gorgeous lemony zing, if you closed your eyes you would not be able to tell the difference between these protein balls and eating a slice of lemon drizzle! Maple cinnamon roll is another great product. Takes me back to my childhood of eating all the cinnamon buns from my favourite place Cinnamon square. Unfortunately not so diet friendly. However these protein balls hit the spot. Heat them up in the microwave for 20 seconds and add a bit of cream cheese mixed with vanilla flavouring as frosting and you have a macro friendly pud that is rather satisfying. Each bag packs between 9g-11g of protein and are around 185kcal per bag! Not to mention they are vegan friendly and are super affordable. Just 99p in Aldi at the moment.
Maple is slightly runnier than the salted caramel however both are equally tasty and do not feel grainy in your mouth which is often a problem with vegan protein products.
The chocolate brownie uses whey protein and is a bit thicker in texture. You can visit their website here: If you are a client of mine or have taken part in a workshop -> lucky you get 25% off all Boost ball products! Just message me for details if you would like to become part of the JGB Fitness and Nutrition team! #teamboost #boostball #productreview |